Ayahuasca Preparation Time: Why is preparation important?
The importance of preparation is to maximize opportunities and benefits, mitigate risks and disappointments, and open oneself up to the work. Preparation coaching can teach you to start your transformational process right away, and guide you to perceive more clearly where you want to set your intentions.
Preparation can show you that you are in charge of change and growth, and that the results from your medicine experience lies in your ability to look within and integrate your insights into your life.
What you need to know about Preparing to Drink Ayahuasca
Preparation is the first part of this journey from which you embark. Using this time mindfully is the first honor that you can show towards yourself and towards the plant spirits.
There are reasons why we want to use Sacred Plant Medicine or why we are looking for a transformative tool. The reasons why we want to do transformative work are different and are often connected to a kind of (underlying) suffering that we have in life.
Questions to ask yourself & psycho spiritual inquiry
Something in you is looking for something, right?
Can you acknowledge that part in you?
Can you give that part in you compassion?
Are you willing to make space for that part in you?
I'm offering a compassionate space for you to be guided in a holistic way during your preparation time. Only if we're able to develop compassion, we're able to open up to being vulnerable.
There are endless reasons why we choose to use sacred plant medicine and why we open up to dive into other realms of consciousness. It takes much courage to let go of the known and emerge into the unknown. So you can already pat your self of the back just to be considering embarking upon this journey.
Psycho spiritual coaching & how to set intentions
From my point of view, preparation is very essential to create more awareness. I recommend you prepare yourself (inside and outside) and think and feel consciously about what your intention is, and where you want to work with the help from the plants.
In our sessions we will explore together where you are and I offer support to get clarity around your intention setting. What is not to be confused with expectations. Your intention will already connect in a miraculous way with spirit, and will bring your process forward.
Trauma Triggers and Healing with Plant Medicine
The processes which can get triggered from Ayahuasca or other Sacred Plants is often not easy. To go deep and also dig into shadows requires courage, curiosity, openness, and commitment.
We are very complex beings, so it can be beneficial to get some support from outside before your retreat/dieta, in order to dive into self and our infinite fields of patterns, character, personality, past experiences, trauma, and conditions. It's beneficial to become aware of thoughts, emotions, relationships and our own belief structures.
Conscious Preparation with Ayahuasca - part of the Healing Journey
It's useful to gain clarity about underlying hidden areas and personal resistance in life before you take in the sacred plant. There is the opportunity during preparation time for expanding awareness regarding any kind of inner processes, healthy versus unhealthy habits, open or limiting attitudes, adaptations, coping mechanisms, dynamics, and so on.
In preparation sessions one goal is that you're able to see your inner landscape and have awareness about your inner map. When you start your process with the medicine it will give you a better orientation for your personal work.
The more awareness we bring into the process, the more we can get out of it.
Ayahuasca and Self Reflection & Shadow Work
Everything that is happening, including what appears in ceremony, is a mirror to yourself and to your life. Preparation can help you immensely to understand your processes and teachings with Sacred Plant Medicine, and to be more open for receiving the learning and healing.
Plant Medicine Navigation Tools & Skills
The navigation skills which you can develop through proper preparation can help you guide yourself more smoothly through the direct experience. To deepen the process with preparation can help you to understand and translate your experience more clearly.
How can you guide yourself through different kinds of emotions? What are your resources and what kinds of skills can you use and in which specific moments? What kinds of resistance could come up and how can you deal with them? How can you notice when you sit on the edge and you can't overcome it? What methods or strategies could you use?
It is important to clarify the difference of expectations versus intentions. How can you find your real intentions, use them, and work with them.
Another area is to identify and work with blockages. How can they show up during your process with the plants and how can you deal with the situation?
The last part of the Preparation Coaching time will be the preparation for the time afterwards. How can you already be preparing your Integration time, the time after your retreat/ceremony or dieta?
Preparation helps you to land on solid ground afterwards. It's linked together with your Integration time.
Through proper preparation you can feel more self-confident for your journey. Even if everything unfolds completely differently as expected, as it most always does. ;-)
Especially for people who are new on the path of learning and healing with Sacred Plant Medicine, preparation coaching/mentoring can be the key and support one needs to understand the new teachings and perspectives which are unfolding.
The preparation is a very individual process. It's an infinite field.
During our online session while we're speaking, we'll map out how you can guide yourself through the whole Plant Medicine Work in the most beneficial way.
My intention is to support you in developing your own skills to feel empowered.
In the end it is up to you how you create your personal relationship with the plants and your unfolding experience.
It's a very interesting, creative and playful journey, and you can expand the window of the work with the plants.
So I would say don't miss using your preparation time ;-)