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Horse Therapy & Masterplants:
a unique offer for our Ayahuasca Retreats and Plant Diets in the Peruvian Mountains

I believe it was in 2020 when I first learned about a woman whom people would reach out to for help when their pets were behaving unusually. Intrigued, I was curious about her, and we eventually connected since we lived in the same area. Her name is Florence, and I am thrilled and excited to share this following opportunity with you to combine a True-Journey Masterplant Retreat together with some Horse Medicine in your Preparation and Integration time.

Why Horse Therapie? To whom it can be beneficial?


Horses are masters in co regulation of the nervous system.  Their heart chakra is 7 times bigger than their body.  This makes them perfect for integration in non liminal spaces.  


They are also perfect reflections of internal patterning systems as they are crystal clear mirrors of what’s happening within our own bodies minds and emotions.


Because of the sensitivity of horses they allow us to truly see how the ways we show up are effecting our reality.  With guidance from me as I observe and gently point out what I am witnessing, you can see in real time how the horses change as YOU change.  Not only through your body language but also through your energetic presence.


It is through subtle somatic changes in our bodies that we can actually alter how the world responds back to us and the horses show us how.


Horses are also master teachers in boundaries.  They are sensitive yet fully in their body with no hang ups in asking for what they need.  Because they mirror so perfectly, they can also show you where you might have collapsed boundaries, walls, or healthy boundaries.


Every session is different based on what is alive for you in the present moment.  You could spend your time sitting in meditation, brushing them, or doing more active practices like boundary and somatic work.


The first hour is sitting with me drinking cacao or tea and speaking to what’s been most alive for you, the second hour is spent engaging with the horses.


I have done multiple diets with and without the horses.  And the diets I’ve done with the horses, my Meastros have commented actively how happy my plants are.  I find them to be the perfect complement to the plant medicine work.


The compliment of the horses alongside of the plants is the nervous system regulation, the safe spaces to move through big processes as well as deeper integration and understanding of the patterns coming up.


Here at Kawallu Sonqo Wasi - Horse Heart Home, our team of horses are all rescues that have been rehabilitated from illness & trauma.  These horses have found me and asked to do this work alongside of me as a team.  As a team, we are here to support you on your journey of healing and awakening.


Who will offer the Horse Therapie for your Preparation & Integration time in the Sacred Valley?


Florence started her journey of healing and awakening 15 years ago following a near-death experience.  

As doors opened to other realms, the desire to learn and heal became imperative.  

She began with studying with her First Nations Lakota Family and spending her free time in nature sitting with bears, moose, bees, and horses.  Learning from the wisdom of animals and nature itself.

She then went on to deeply study metaphysics and Pranic Energy Healing under Master Stephen Co.  She has traveled the world studying Buddhism, Non-Violent Communication, Inner Child, and Boundary work.  Has spent time in the jungle with her Shipibo Maestros and in the Mountains with her Q’ero Paqo’s.   

Her work with plants, nature and animals have been her most profound teachers and she enjoys sharing this wisdom with those who are ready to see the world through the unique lens these wisdom keepers have shared with her. 

Aside from her 1:1 online work, she runs a horse sanctuary, horse therapy and integration farmhouse.

She brings humor and lightness to the human journey.  Holding a space of non-judgment, and incorporating play and art into some of the most challenging of topics.


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Yarinacocha, Pucallpa


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