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This book was created for True-Journey Retreat Participants, so they can use this course together with private online mentoring sessions with Ute. The more awareness about your self you bring into the retreat, the more you will get out.


The journey of working with Ayahuasca and other plants can open up powerful insights and a new experience about truth. However, along the way, we might get triggered. The path of insight, after all, is also a path that necessarily involves examining our shadows, and this can be challenging. So wherever you might find yourself, I want to remind you to bring awareness to your experiences and to love, accept, and respect your inner process and the process of others.


Check the Table of Content to have an idea about the content of our True-Journey Preparation Guidebook / course. As a True-Journey Retreat Participant you receive this book included in your package price.


This Guidbook / Course includes 59 pages and at least 12 videos (about 64 minutes) to help you to prepare for your Masterplant Retreat.

This book and these videos offer you support to self inquire and to become more aware about yourself regarding preparing for a healing and the learning journey with plant medicine.



Conduct & Attitude

Preparation Part 1



Addictive behaviors


Self inquiry

Vulnerability & Emotion: shame

Emotion: pain and anger

Fight, flight, freeze


Authenticity / Attachments

Triggers, emotion, perception, interpretations

Pattern, coping mechanisms, or adaptations

Identifications, narratives, responsibility, beliefs

Observation - Mindfulness

Presence - Past

Perception - Reality - Spirituality



Preparation Part 2

Inquiry Process

Preparation diet & Energetic hygiene

Recommended activities

Confusion & Discomfort

Resistance & Challenging experiences

Bliss and beauty & Intentions vs expectations

Dying experiences & Visions

Darkness & Light

Navigation tools and skills

Postdieta & Integration

Prep and integration mentoring & Additional info


This ebook is great to print, so you can make your own notes inside of the book.


If you want to book online 1:1 sessions with Ute to support your preparation process, feel free to reach out.


Much love,


True-Journey Preparation Guidebook / Course

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      Yarinacocha, Pucallpa


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