Masterplant Retreats
What is a Master Plant Retreat?
Should you choose an Ayahuasca Retreat or a Shipibo Plant Diet?
Wholeheartedly I offer Sacred Plant Medicine work in collaboration with my known and respected Shipibo Maestros/Maestras in Peru.
This work is an opportunity for radical transformation -- to align, to heal, to learn, and to expand into living a more fulfilled life.
We offer both pure Shipibo Ayahuasca retreats and a Shipibo Plant Diet. A Shipibo Plant Diet is called in Shipibo "Sama". In some texts, you may hear Masterplant Diet. There are different names used, so don´t get confused.
The difference between a pure Ayahuasca Retreat and a Shipibo Plant diet is explained in the text below.
Also if you are not sure yet if you feel ready to drink these strong plant medicine you can first start working with me online and taking some Psycho-Spiritual Mentor Sessions. More here.
Shipibo Ayahuasca Retreat - working with ayahuasca the first time.
Beginning with working with ayahuasca alone will give you an introduction into what it means to work with strong plants in the Shipibo tradition.
This way you'll have the opportunity to build up a relationship with the subtle energies and the shamanic worlds, before committing to a whole Sama (Shipibo Plant Diet). In general, I suggest people start just with an Ayahuasca Retreat with us. Said that we are all different and there is no "one truth" around that topic for me.
Many people drink Ayahuasca for the first time with us and start directly with a Shipibo Plant Diet with magnificent results.
Already have had an Ayahuasca experience?
If you already have experience with drinking Ayahuasca in the Shipibo Tradition and would like to go deeper into your own healing, a "Sama" (Shipibo Plant Diet) is the next step.
Entering a "Sama", learning with a Shipibo Plant Diet can give the opportunity to journey further into the shamanic world.
What is a Shipibo Plant Diet?
A Shipibo Plant Diet is called a "Sama". It means that you drink another plant medicine besides Ayahuasca. This other plant can open other worlds for you to learn and heal.
The decision to make a Sama is a bigger commitment. It means taking full responsibility for your learning and healing, and your path in life. We are always responsible for our life, the commitment grows if we learn more, if the plant wisdom makes us more aware of certain aspects.
When you're familiar with the energetic world of Ayahuasca, it's very interesting to explore the difference in experience when you add another plant and another energy (Sama world). In this step, when you add another plant, certain realizations can arise through distinguishing between these different energies and their effects on you and your life
You can watch my videos on Youtube to get a better idea if you'd like to drink Ayahuasca, or if you feel ready for a Sama/plant diet with a tree.
There is no clear right and wrong, this is an individual decision.
What can I learn from sacred plant medicine?
Here's a little metaphor to help you to imagine:
If you're traveling to the top of a mountain, you can hike to the top, or you can have a plane drop you. A plane might be faster, but if you hike (as a metaphor for starting with pure Ayahuasca), you may encounter aspects of life along your path on this mountain. You will see what is growing there, who is living there, sense and feel how it is to be walking, learn how to breathe when the terrain gets steep, and have conversations and interactions.
Throughout the entire journey, you're available to expand your awareness. When you arrive at the top of the mountain, you arrive more prepared and with more knowledge about where you are. You're already more connected to spirit, your orientation skills already have some training in this new world, and you can receive in a special way the things which are waiting there for you.
If you choose to do directly a Masterplant Diet, ask yourself why you wouldn’t prefer to take the path step by step. Check in with yourself, and ask where does this wish come from? In the end it depends on your commitment and your inner call. Listen deeply inside of yourself.
A Dieta for Healing and Learning
In case you're already on the path of working in the healing field, a Masterplant Diet/Sama can be very beneficial to make the next step towards a deeper healing and learning process.
Ayahuasca is an amazing door opener and has huge cleansing properties which help you to understand the unseen and the seen world, both internally and externally.
Begommomg directly with a Master Plant Dieta could leave you feeling overloaded, and the integration could be more challenging.
My general recommendation is to walk the path with these Masterplants in the Shipibo Tradition step by step instead of going straight into a Sama.
We are all very different, and there is no right or wrong. It's a personal and individual decision that we can talk about together.
Master Plant & Ayahuasca Intentions: your spiritual healing journey
Some of the trees you can diet with have strong healing energies. Depending on your intention, the trees can be a very good additional energy to help your process.
It depends on where you are in life, how stable you are, what kind of holistic practice you have done before, and which integration skills you have available.
There is never one way that fits everyone. Listen to your heart, listen to your intuition, and feel free to reach out. I´m here to talk with you about different options to find out what feels true for you.
Our Masterplant Guidebook is ready to download which includes video material!!
There is a gift for you!
The True - Journey Masterplant Retreat Guidebook
Just sign up for our newsletter and you will receive the ebook in the next few days.
The ebook comes with a link to a video playlist where additional themes are shared and explained.
Enjoy! I hope it is helpful for your journey.
With love, Ute